Have you heard the good news? Toss your Bible in the shredder, silly! The REAL good news is that Running Late has been artisanally hand-picked to participate in the first ever New York Super Week, part of the 2014 New York City Comic-Con celebration. Not only that, the guests for Scott’s show will be done other than the co-creators of classic Comedy Central series Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist – Jonathan Katz and Tom Snyder. It’s happening in October sometime! And it’s gonna be GREAT! So… yeah, just be aware of that!
Show 5.03 with STEVE BUSCEMI now on YouTube

Ever experience something and think yourself, “That was the best, purest version of that experience I could have possibly experienced.” Well we accomplished such a feat the other night at littlefield with the incomparable Steve Buscemi taking a seat on the couch and talking for FORTY THRILLING MINUTES about his 30 year career in the arts. If you weren’t one of the record-breaking 340 people who were packed to the rafters to witness it in person, you can now be one of the 2.9 billion people on the planet with Internet access to watch it from the comfort of your bathroom. ALSO FEATURED: Brooks Wheelan, Peter Rosenberg, Katie Nolan, Adam Resnick, and Dale Seever!
“Rooming Late” featured on “Right This Minute”
Scott’s latest stunt found its way onto a syndicated TV show/website thing called RightThisMinute, and it may or may not have aired on NBC-affiliate stations at 5am on some Saturday morning! You can watch it now: