Scott and Running Late featured in TimeOut NY!


POSTERIZED — Show 7.06 with Robert Klein & AJ Jacobs

Scott_Poster_BPoster by Joseph Karg


Vote for Running Late poster artist MEG LEWIS & Ghostly Ferns!

Meg Lewis of the Brooklyn-based design agency Ghostly Ferns has been nominated for Designer of the Year by some designer website thing! As one of the most prolific Running Late poster artists, she’s got our vote – help a sister out and give her yours!

Happy Mother’s Day!

I produced this Mother’s Day video for Distractify and it’s going vi vi!

UPDATE: This video has reached over 4.5 million hits! That’s like, a lot of hits!

Hard copy of New York Observer article – EVEN COOLER!

Screen Shot 2015-05-22 at 5.18.30 PMThey keep saying print is dead but look what I found clinging for dear life at a local specialty magazine shop, after 23 unsuccessful trips to different bodegas and newsstands who laughed in my face when I asked if they carried the Observer!