PUT IT IN THE BOOKS —— Show 2.05

Running Late kicked off the New York City Sketch Festival last night at the PIT with a slam-bam-thank-you-ma’am of a show! Ge-off and Jerf from Elephant Larry and Clay and Sara from Harvard Sailing Team peeled back the curtain on their respective successful groups and explained to Marty just exactly what a “sketch” is, while Kevin Allison shared some hilarious stories about his origins in the legendary sketch troupe The State. Comedian Jamie Lee closed out the show with a TV-quality set, which makes sense considering she’s fresh off performing on Conan. But enough words… PICTURES!

SHOWTIME —— Tonight with Kevin Allison, Harvard Sailing Team, Elephant Larry, Jamie Lee

Oh boy, Oberto! Running Late is helping to kick off the PIT’s 1st Annual Sketchfest tonight at 9:30pm! It’s Scott’s sketchiest show yet, featuring members of HARVARD SAILING TEAM, ELEPHANT LARRY, and KEVIN ALLISON from legendary sketch troupe The State.

Tickets are $8, or buy the $45 festival pass and get into every show all weekend long. GET YER BUTT OVER THERE!

KEVIN ALLISON                                                          CLAYTON EARLY & SARA TAYLOR
(The StateRISK! podcast)                                           (Harvard Sailing Team)



(Elephant Larry)                                                          (Conan, Last Comic Standing)

SHOW CLIPZ —— Rob Burnett Interview Pt. 3

Rob Burnett wraps up his conversation with Scott about his new movie, We Made This Movie, and recounts the funniest Emmy acceptance speech of all-time.

SHOW CLIPZ —— Rob Burnett Interview Pt. 2

Writer/Director Rob Burnett discusses the challenges of making a movie about people making a movie, as he did with his new movie, We Made This Movie. Movie.

SHOW CLIPZ —— Rob Burnett Interview Pt. 1

Late Show with David Letterman Executive Producer Rob Burnett shares how he got his fairytale start in the biz, his evolution into the Executive Producer/CEO position, and Conan O’Brien’s surprisingly long memory.