Have yourself a Marty little Christmas!
That’s all, folks!
Running Late wrapped up Season 4 last night at Littlefield, with one of the loosiest, goosiest shows on record. But gaddamn was it a fun one. The creators of some of the most viral tumblrs of 2013 including Anna Drezen & Todd Briscoe of How May We Hate You?, Ryan Nethery of The Worst Room, and Jason Mustian of Pornhub Comments on Stock Photos showed off their blogs, veteran actor Josh Pais shared some tales from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles set, Simon Rich & Farley Katz explained their latest archeological discovery (available now on Amazon), Amber Tamblyn admitted her deep, sexual longing for Marty and was joined by her grandfather/Eugene Mirman to teach Scott her famous Tamblyn Family Eggnog Recipe, and comedian Damien Lemon brought down the roof one last time, resulting in scores of injuries and 4 confirmed deaths.
Running Late now embarks upon a brief hiatus before returning in a BIG way in 2014. In the meantime, Scott asks that you please respect his privacy as he spends the next three months alphabetizing his baseball card collection.
The GIFs that keep on GIFing

JUST BOOKED – Dick Cavett for Nov. 6 at Symphony Space
Hall of Fame talk show host and one of Scott’s personal heroes Dick Cavett will be appearing on the show on November 6th at 8:30pm at Symphony Space! Not familiar with his work? Throw yourself off a tall building. Or buy the DVDs and start a-binging. Then watch Scott’s short film which namechecks the living legend. And then buy your tickets.