PUT IT IN THE BOOKS — Show 3.13 with Tucker Max, Drew Magary

SHOW CLIPZ —— “I’ve Been Stalking You on Facebook” with Jenn Sterger Pt. 2
Jenn Sterger goes behind the scenes of her PR crisis suffered as a result of being caught up in the Brett Favre sexting scandal from 2010.
SHOW CLIPZ —— “I’ve Been Stalking You on Facebook” with Jenn Sterger Pt. 1
Model/actress Jenn Sterger talks publicly for the first time since becoming a public figure as a result of the Brett Favre sexting scandal.
“I’ve Been Stalking You on Facebook” logo by Brian Reddy.
PUT IT IN THE BOOKS —— Show 2.06
Holy smokes! God himself, appearing in the form of David Javerbaum, sanctified the Running Late set last night, while Jenn Harris added her own decorative flourish to Scott’s desk with the help of some creepy fake cobwebs. Jenn Sterger made her first public appearance since the Brett Favre scandal turned her world upside down, and Myq Kaplan and Micah Sherman turned some Alanis Morissette lyrics downside up for the big finale. All in all, the most fun show yet!
photos by Adam Rosen