Hot damn this was a fun one with Gilbert Gottfried, Daymond John, Fat Jew, Awkwafina, a Facebook stalk, an original Josh Ruben character, and my Aunt Elise providing color commentary.
PUT IT IN THE BOOKS — Show 3.13 with Tucker Max, Drew Magary
June 13, 2013 by

PUT IT IN THE BOOKS — Show 3.11 with Gilbert Gottfried
May 10, 2013 by

SHOW CLIPZ —— “I’ve Been Stalking You on Facebook” with Jenn Sterger Pt. 2
October 28, 2012 by
Jenn Sterger goes behind the scenes of her PR crisis suffered as a result of being caught up in the Brett Favre sexting scandal from 2010.
SHOW CLIPZ —— “I’ve Been Stalking You on Facebook” with Jenn Sterger Pt. 1
October 28, 2012 by
Model/actress Jenn Sterger talks publicly for the first time since becoming a public figure as a result of the Brett Favre sexting scandal.
“I’ve Been Stalking You on Facebook” logo by Brian Reddy.