Happy Post-Valentine’s Day, everybody! Already starting to see lots of Valentine’s cards out on the curb.
If you’re looking to take a break from burying your dead roses, come on out to the 92YTribeca next Thursday, Feb. 23 at 9pm for another edition of RUNNING LATE with SCOTT ROGOWSKY. There will be THREE FANTASTIC interview guests and one VERY FUNNY stand-up comedian. And a house band. And Scott’s 63 year-old dad, Marty.
This month’s show features:

A.J. Jacobs (Esquire editor, author of The Year of Living Biblically)

Charlie Todd (founder of ImprovEverywhere)

Joe Moses and J.D. Durkin (creators, Joe Moses One-Man Showses)

Matt Koff (The Onion, winner of TimeOutNY’s Joke of the Year)
There’s going to be skits and bits and chits and chats, and in celebration of Black History Month: lots and lots of Jewish jokes.
Tickets can be purchased in advance by clicking on this blue thing here. Don’t be scared off by the fact that this show is in Tribeca. It’s actually pretty convenient if you have your driver take you there. Just tell him, “200 Hudson Street, my good man. AND STEP ON IT!”