Drew Dernavich, Paul Noth, and Christopher Weyant ask the audience for suggestions and then compete to come up with the funniest cartoon.
SHOW CLIPZ —— Paul Noth Interview (New Yorker Cartoonist)
September 28, 2012 by
Paul Noth explains how he started collaborating with Jim Gaffigan on Pale Force for Conan O’Brien and elucidates the arbitrariness of selling cartoons to the New Yorker.
SHOW CLIPZ —— Drew Dernavich Interview (New Yorker Cartoonist)
September 27, 2012 by
Drew Dernavich recounts his inauspicious start as a New Yorker cartoonist and his second career as a tombstone engraver, before sharing his rejected New Yorker cartoons.
SHOW CLIPZ —— Christopher Weyant Interview (New Yorker Cartoonist)
September 26, 2012 by
Cartoonist Christopher Weyant talks about the difference between political cartooning and New Yorker cartooning and shares some cartoons that didn’t quite make the cut.