PUT IT IN THE BOOKS — Show 7.04 with R. L. Stine!

#FollowFriday – Wyatt Cenac, R. L. Stine, The State
WYATT CENAC (Show 3.14) — the former Daily Show correspondent has a new stand-up special that premiered on Netflix on Oct 21 called “Wyatt Cenac: Brooklyn,” and he’s touring to support it! Love that tour poster…
R. L. STINE (Show 2.02) — the spooktastic author has revived his popular Fear Street series for young adults and is hitting bookstores across the country to read from the first new book “Party Games.”
THE STATE — MICHAEL SHOWALTER (Show 2.09), DAVID WAIN (Show 3.05), and KEVIN ALLISON (Show 2.05) along with 7 of the other 11 original State members are reuniting tomorrow in Los Angeles as part of Festival Supreme! Go to it!